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Non-gradient methods
Gradient-based algorithms are the most used of all learning
for DTRNN. But there are also some interesting non-gradient-based
algorithms, most of which rely on weight
perturbation schemes. Of
those, two batch learning algorithms are worth mentioning:
- Alopex
(Unnikrishnan and Venugopal, 1994) is a batch learning
algorithm that biases random weight updates according to the observed correlation
between previous updates of each learnable parameter and the change in the total error for the learning set. It does not need any knowledge about the network's
particular structure; that is, it treats the network as a black box,
and, indeed, it may be used to optimize parameters of systems other
than neural networks; this makes it specially attractive when it
comes to test a new architecture for which derivatives have not been
derived yet. Alopex has only found limited use so far in connection
with DTRNN (but see Forcada and Ñeco (1997) or Ñeco and Forcada (1997)).
- The algorithm by Cauwenberghs (1993) (see also
(Cauwenberghs, 1996)) uses a related learning rule: the change
effected by a random perturbation of the weight
on the total error is computed and weights are
updated in the direction of the perturbation so that the new weight
vector is
, where acts as a
learning rate..
Cauwenberghs (1993) shows
that this algorithm performs gradient
on average when the
components of the weight perturbation vector are mutually
uncorrelated with uniform auto-variance, with error decreasing in each
epoch for small enough and , and with a slowdown with
respect to gradient descent proportional to the square root of the
number of parameters.
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Up: Learning algorithms for DTRNN
Previous: Other derivative-based methods
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