
Aula IA

Full name: Introduciendo la Inteligencia Artificial en Educación Primaria

Reference: FCT-21-17266

Abstract: El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de materiales didácticos para la formación del alumnado y profesorado de tercer ciclo de educación primaria (edades entre los 10 y los 12 años) en aspectos relacionados con la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), sus fundamentos técnicos, su impacto en la sociedad actual, así como sus implicaciones éticas y morales. Con este acercamiento de la IA a las aulas de primaria se pretende promover la alfabetización científico-tecnológica entre escolares y profesorado, fomentando el interés del alumnado desde una edad temprana por los estudios en el ámbito CTIM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) a través de la aplicación directa de herramientas de IA a actividades en su entorno más cercano. Nuestra propuesta se materializará en el desarrollo de un conjunto de materiales didácticos sobre distintos aspectos de la IA que estarán disponibles de manera online para su libre acceso y aprovechamiento a través de una web desarrollada específicamente en el proyecto. Estos materiales incluirán, por una parte, un conjunto de actividades y, por otra, una serie de vídeos de introducción a la IA que describan tanto sus aspectos técnicos como sus implicaciones económicas y sociales. Si bien el público objetivo de estas actividades y vídeos será el alumnado y profesorado de tercer ciclo de primaria, sus contenidos serán aptos para el público en general.

Role: Principal Investigator

Status: Active

Start date: July 1, 2022

Duration: 12 months

Funding: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

Partners: University of Alicante

Web: https://www.aulaia.es/


Full name: Desarrollo de un ecosistema de datos abiertos para transformar el sector turístico

Reference: GVA-COVID19/2021/103

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Active

Start date: January 1, 2022

Duration: 15 months

Funding: Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital

Partners: University of Alicante


Full name: Recolección y publicación de datos abiertos para la reactivación del sector turístico postCOVID-19

Reference: UAPOSTCOVID19-10

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: September 1, 2020

Duration: 6 months

Funding: University of Alicante

Partners: University of Alicante


Full name: Modelado del comportamiento de entidades digitales mediante Tecnologías del Lenguaje Humano

Reference: RTI2018-094653-B-C22

Abstract: Las tecnologías del lenguaje humano se enfrentan al reto de adaptarse a medios sociales en continuo cambio, con niveles de calidad, coherencia, interacción y un uso del lenguaje altamente variables. Ante esta realidad, nuestra propuesta persigue el modelado dinámico a nivel espacio-temporal de entidades en medios sociales para la predicción del comportamiento.

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: January 1, 2019

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Economy and Industry

Partners: University of Alicante, University of Jaen

Web: https://adsoua.wordpress.com/


Full name: Análisis distante del soneto castellano de los Siglos de Oro

Reference: PR16_HUM_F2_0151

Abstract: El objetivo del proyecto ADSO es realizar un análisis macroanalítico y distante del soneto castellano de los Siglos de Oro, desde sus primeras manifestaciones renacentistas (Garcilaso de la Vega) hasta los últimos poemas del Barroco (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz). Para ello se aplican métodos computacionales con el fin de detectar sus rasgos generales recurrentes, tanto en aspectos semánticos como métricos. Los últimos desarrollos en procesamiento del lenguaje natural y en el análisis masivo de texto (text mining) están permitiendo nuevos acercamientos al estudio del texto literario. Entre ellos destaca el llamado análisis distante (distant reading) o macroanálisis. Frente a los métodos crítico-literarios más tradicionales, centrados en el análisis en profundidad de pocos pero bien seleccionados textos literarios, los métodos de análisis distantes o macroanalíticos proponen el análisis de amplios corpus de textos literarios. Su objetivo es detectar y definir los rasgos literarios generales y comunes de todos los autores de una época o periodo literario.

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: October 1, 2016

Duration: 24 months

Funding: Fundación BBVA

Partners: University of Alicante

Web: https://adsoua.wordpress.com/


Full name: Reconocimiento de Entidades Digitales: Enriquecimiento y Seguimiento

Reference: TIN2015-65136-C2-2-R

Abstract: El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en desarrollar una plataforma en la que se integren las distintas técnicas, recursos y herramientas de procesamiento del lenguaje humano con el objetivo de implementar sistemas capaces de definir y crear perfiles de entidades digitales. Estas entidades digitales incluirán no solo las características básicas sino también sus rasgos lingüísticos y sociales, utilizando e integrando todas las fuentes de información disponibles.

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: January 1, 2016

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation

Partners: University of Alicante, University of Jaén

Web: https://gplsi.dlsi.ua.es/redes/


Full name: Dynamic Social and Media Content Syndication for 2nd Screen

Reference: FP7-611312

Abstract: Today's generation of internet devices has changed how users are interacting with media. From passive and unidirectional users to proactive and interactive. Users can comment or rate a TV show and search for related information regarding characters, facts or personalities. They do this with both friends and wider social communities. This phenomenon is known as 2nd Screen. Another coupled phenomenon is Content Syndication, a field of Digital Marketing, where digital content is created once and delivered to different marketing channels at the same time. In today's 2nd Screen environment there are no true standards, protocols or common ways in which users can discover and access information related to consumed contents. Users have to initiate information searches by using eg Google to "participate" in the show. European enterprises wishing to provide services are restricted by a lack of business intelligence that can be applied with a view to profit from and enrich this market. SAM will change this by developing an advanced social media delivery platform based on 2nd Screen and Content Syndication within a Social Media context. Providing open and standardised ways of characterising, discovering, syndicating media assets interactively. Users will prosume digital assets from different syndicated sources and synchronised devices (e.g. Connected TVs) thus creating richer experiences around media. SAM's innovation is that instead of users reaching for the data; it is the data, which reaches the user through the syndication approach and their 2nd screen. This is based on the creation of dynamic social communities related to the user and digital asset context (e.g. profiles, preferences or devices). SAM will be able to capture and analyse valuable business intelligence which can be used to efficientize and monetarise the process for providers of assets and broadcast material and enrich as well as amplify the process for the consumer.

Role: Principal Investigator

Status: Finished

Start date: October 1, 2013

Duration: 37 months

Funding: EU (ICT-FP7)

Partners: TIE Nederlands B.V., Ascora GmbH, Talkamatic, TP Vision Belgium NV, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems / National Technical University of Athens, The University of Reading, University of Alicante, Deutsche Welle, Bibliographic Data Services Limited

Web: http://www.socialisingaroundmedia.com/


Full name: Deconstruction Techniques applied to Human Language Technologies

Reference: TIN2012-31224

Abstract: Nowadays, in the context of Human Language Technologies, processes need human language understanding (HLU) and its generation (HLG) in order to satisfy a final need of the user, with the aim of tackling, as quickly and efficiently as possible, the huge amount of currently available digital information. The classical human language generation approaches are based on natural language generation, having as input a set of structured information, which not always matches with a real situation. Besides, these approaches only generate formal structures of the language as output. Therefore, the main objective of this project is based on the need to reconsider the classical HLT philosophy to adapt it, not only to the currently available resources (unstructured data with multimodality, multilinguality and different levels of formality) but also to the real needs of the final users. In order to reach this objective it is necessary to include the understanding as well as the generation of human language in a unique model (LEGOLANG model) based on language deconstruction techniques, independently of the final application and the human language variant chosen to express the knowledge.

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: January 1, 2013

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation

Partners: University of Alicante

Web: http://gplsi.dlsi.ua.es/legolang/


Full name: A Flexible Interactive Reading Support Tool

Reference: FP7-287607

Abstract: The aim of the FIRST project is to use language technology (LT) to simplify documents for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). People with ASD can have problems when reading such as difficulty understanding complex instructions, interpreting metaphorical meanings, or being confused by uncommon words, figures of speech, and the imprecision that arises naturally in communication

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: October 1, 2011

Duration: 36 months

Funding: EU (ICT-FP7)

Partners: University of Wolverhampton, Kodar ODD, iWeb Technologies Ltd., University of Jaén, University of Alicante, Autisme Europe AISBL, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, Deletrea s.I.p., Parallel World Sdruzhenie

Web: http://www.first-asd.eu/


Full name: Handling spatial information in text and its application to information retrieval

Reference: GRE10-33 and GV/2012/110

Abstract: The main goal of the project is the analysis of geographical information in text, facing the problem of toponym disambiguation and geographical focus identification. The starting hypothesis is that world knowledge (entities, dates, events, ....) can help to solve problems related to geographic information. These research would be applied to GIR systems, including the development of a visual interface based on maps to navigate the results of these systems

Role: Principal Investigator

Status: Finished

Start date: June 1, 2011

Duration: 30 months

Funding: University of Alicante and Generalitat Valenciana

Partners: University of Alicante


Full name: Computational approach to metaphor interpretation based on unsupervised techniques

Reference: GRE09-31 and GV/2011/040

Abstract: The main objective of this project is to analyse the application of unsupervised machine learning methods (clustering) to metaphor detection and interpretation in natural language texts. In this project we are looking for a more linguistic based (no conceptual) definition of metaphor, in order to apply unsupervised techniques to metaphor detection and interpretation

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: June 1, 2010

Duration: 30 months

Funding: University of Alicante and Generalitat Valenciana

Partners: University of Alicante

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/metaphornlp/


Full name: Human Language Technologies Facing New Challenges in Digital Communication

Reference: TIN2009-13391-C04-01

Abstract: The overall aim of the project centres on the study, development and experimentation with different techniques and systems based on Human Language Technologies (HLT) for developing the next generation of intelligent digital information processing systems (modelling, retrieval, processing, comprehension and detection), in order to meet the present challenges posed by digital media. In this new scenario, systems have to incorporate the reasoning capability to ascertain the subjectivity of information in all contexts (spatial, temporal and emotional), while analysing the various dimensional uses (multilingualism, multimodality and register)

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: January 1, 2010

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Science and Innovation

Partners: University of Alicante, Technical University of Valencia, University of Jaén, University of Barcelona

Web: http://intime.dlsi.ua.es/textmess20/


Full name: Question Answering Learning technologies in a multiLingual and Multimodal Environment

Reference: FP6 IST-033860

Abstract: The purpose is to demonstrate the viability of the proposed QA solutions through their integration in a concrete application scenario. Such integration will follow four principal directions, related to the exploitation of Semantic Web and Multimodal Interfaces technologies for QA. More precisely we intend to achieve 4 integration objectives related to Web services for QA, Wrapper technology, speech-enabled QA, and multimodal QA. Distributed software architecture will be studied and designed in order both to optimize the communications among the software modules, and to achieve a suitable computational balance among server and client devices. Development tools (e.g. Application Programming Interfaces), possibly compliant with recommendations of International Organizations, such as W3C, will be also developed

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: October 1, 2006

Duration: 36 months

Funding: EU (IST-FP6)

Partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), University of Alicante, Univertiy of Wolverhampton, Comdata S.p.A., Ubiest S.p.A., Waycom S.r.l.

Web: http://qallme.fbk.eu/


Full name: Intelligent, Interactive and Multilingual Text Mining based on Human Language Technologies

Reference: TIN2006-15265-C06

Abstract: The goal of the project is to analyze, experiment, and develop intelligent, interactive and multilingual Text Mining technologies, as a key element of the next generation of search engines, systems with the capacity to find “the need behind the query”. This new generation will provide specialized services and interfaces according to the search domain and type of information needed. Moreover, it will integrate textual search (websites) and multimedia search (images, audio, video), it will be able to find and organize information, rather than generating ranked lists of websites

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: October 1, 2006

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology

Partners: University of Alicante, The National Distance Education University (UNED), Technical University of Valencia, University of Jaén, Technical University of Catalonia, University of Barcelona

Web: http://intime.dlsi.ua.es/text-mess/


Full name: Question Answering in Digital Documents

Reference: TIC2003-07158-C04

Abstract: The main goal of the project is the evaluation and development of Question Answering and Document Retrieval systems in Multilingual scenarios. For this purpose two main lines have been defined: Participation in the organization of the interactive Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (iCLEF) with the objective of proposing approaches and new tasks related with the information access, to evaluate multilingual access systems and to study interactive aspects of this type of tasks; Development of information access systems (Question Answering and Document Retrieval Systems) through the study on the one hand, of the multilingual and interactive aspects and, on the other hand, of the systems robustness in written and transcribed documents

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: December 1, 2003

Duration: 36 months

Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology

Partners: University of Alicante, The National Distance Education University (UNED), Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Jaén

Web: http://gplsi.dlsi.ua.es/r2d2/


Full name: Construction of a Cross-Language Information Retrieval system for the Web

Reference: FIT-150500-2002-416

Abstract: The primary target of the project is to construct a information retrieval system (IR) in which a series of tools of processing of the natural language are integrated. This IR tries to improve the traditional IR systems that work on the Web from three points of view: Firstly, this system will be able to work on different languages, that is to say, independently of the language in which the question of the user appears, it will give back a relation of documents, which they could also be in different languages, making this process in a transparent way for the user. Secondly, new kinds of knowledge are going to be used, which the traditional IR systems do not contemplate, like lexical, syntactic and other analysis. Finally, the quality of the information to give back will be improved, since it will return just the text snippets where the information required by the user appears, instead of returning whole documents (that is to say, a Question Answering application)

Role: Research Assistant

Status: Finished

Start date: July 1, 2002

Duration: 18 months

Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology

Partners: University of Alicante, University of Jaén, University of Seville

Web: http://www.dlsi.ua.es/projectes/srim/informacion.html
