Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza


Head of the Research Promotion and Organisation Office (Office of the Vice President of Research, University of Alicante

Associate Professor at the Department of Software and Computing Systems of the University of Alicante.

Head of the Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group, attached to the University Institute for Computing Research.


I studied Computer Engineering from 2006 to 2011 and a Master's degree of Computing Technologies in 2012 at the University of Alicante.

I joined the Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence group of the University of Alicante, as a grantee of the FPU Fellowship programme (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte). I got my PhD in Computer Science with the dissertation "Pattern Recognition for Music Notation" in 2016. During my PhD, I visited other research centres, including Universidad de Málaga (Spain), Université de Nantes (France), TU Wien (Austria), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), and McGill University (Canada).

I joined the Distributed Digital Music Archives & Libraries Lab of McGill University (Montreal, Canada) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 2017, under the supervision of Prof. Ichiro Fujinaga. In 2018, I joined the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology (PRHLT) research center of the Universitat Politècnica de València, as a grantee of the Juan de la Cierva - Formación programme (Ministerio de Ciencia), under the supervision of Dr. Enrique Vidal.

In 2019, I joined the University of Alicante as an Assistant Professor. Since 2022, I serve there as Associate Professor.


My research is mostly focused on the area of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision, with special application to Document Image Analysis and Optical Music Recognition.


As principal investigator:

  • LEMUR: Learning multimodal representations for efficient music search.
  • GNOMUS: Graph-based Optical Music Recognition
  • REPERTORIUM: Researching and Encouraging the Promulgation of European Repertory through Technologies Operating on Records Interrelated Utilising Machines
  • PolifonIA: Revalorizacion del fondo de música mensural en bibliotecas digitales españolas mediante Inteligencia Artificial
  • MultiScore: Multimodal Transcription of Music Scores
  • Modelos neuronales basados en grafos para reconocimiento óptico de música

Invited Talks

  • Presentation at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura: "Inteligencia artificial y chatbots: descifrando ChatGPT" (video, in Spanish)
  • Local TV interview about PolifonIA project (video, in Spanish)
  • Presentation at the Transkribus workshop of the Music Encoding Conference 2019 "Handwritten Music and Text Recognition in Austrian medieval plainchant sources" (slides, in English)
  • Lecture at the National Library of Spain: "Music Reading Systems" (slides, in Spanish)
  • Tutorial at the Sound and Music Computing Summer School 2019: "Optical Music Recognition" (slides, in English)
  • Tutorial at 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: "Optical Music Recognition for Dummies" (slides and videos, in English)
  • Presentation at the XIV Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis Workshop: "Towards human-aided document processing for Optical Music Recognition" (slides, in English)


A list of my publications can be found at the university's Observatory of Scientific Production, but also at dblp, Google Scholar, and my research group's website.


  • Deep Learning con Keras y PyTorch, by Antonio Javier Gallego Sánchez, María Alfaro Contreras, Jorge Calvo Zaragoza, Carlos Garrido Muñoz, Antonio Ríos Vila, José Javier Valero Mas (Ed. Anaya)

Supervised theses

  • Wilson Antony Machaca: "Multimodal Music Transcription""
  • Adrian Rosello: "Contributions to Source-free Domain Adaptation"
  • Eliseo Fuentes: "Automatic Music Notation and Lyrics Transcriptionn"
  • Ángela Sánchez: "Synthetic data, biases and efficiency in face recognition" (industrial)
  • Juan C. Martínez-Sevilla: "Universal Optical Music Recognition"
  • Carlos Penarrubia: "Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Labelling"
  • Pedro González-Barrachina: "Continual Learning in Music Information Retrieval"
  • Carlos Garrido: "Out-of-Distribution Generalization"
  • Juan P. Martínez Esteso: "Técnicas de Adaptación al Dominio aplicadas a Tareas de Salvamento Marítimo"
  • Enrique Mas: "Efficient Deep Learning"
  • Antonio Rios-Vila: "End-to-end Optical Music Recognition"
  • Maria Alfaro-Contreras: "New Approaches to Optical Music Recognition"
  • Francisco J. Castellanos: "Contributions to Document Image Analysis: Application to Music Score Images"
  • Miguel A. Roman: "An End-to-End Framework for Audio to Score Music Transcription"

Individual awards

  • "Extraordinary prize of doctorate" by the University of Alicante
  • "Young Scientists in Computer Science" by the Spanish Computer-Science Society and the BBVA Foundation
  • Secondary "Best PhD thesis in 2015-16" by the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  • "Outstanding Award in Computer Engineering Degree" by the University of Alicante

Scientific awards

  • Best Student Paper Award: "Addressing Class Imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-Nearest Neighbor Classification" at the 11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  • Best Paper Award: "The CleanSea Set: A Benchmark Corpus for Underwater Debris Detection and Recognition" at the 10th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  • Best Presentation Award: "Exploring the two-dimensional nature of music notation for score recognition with end-to-end approaches" at the 17th International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition

Students' awards

Under my supervision:

  • Adrian Rosello: Best MSc Dissertation "Source-free domain adaptation techniques for sheet music transcription" by Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence (ValgrAI).
  • Francisco J. Castellanos: Secondary "Best PhD thesis in 2019-22" by the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  • María Alfaro: "Segundo Premio en el Área de Ingeniería y Arquitectura en el XVIII Certamen Universitario Arquímedes para la investigación científica"