PyTorch Notes#
Here are some notes on specific aspects of PyTorch that may be useful for understanding our model implementations. Each section of this page has been referenced from other pages, so you don't need to read it from start to finish.
This page is part of the series "A step-by-step guide to transformers," which presents a guide to understanding how neural networks process text and how to program them. It is also possible that you arrived here from another source (e.g., a specific course) that suggests a different way to use this content. In that case, follow the recommendations and planning provided by that source.
Broadcasting in PyTorch#
Notice that in equation (5.12) of the Jurafsky and Martin book, the vector \(\mathbf{b}\) is obtained by repeatedly copying the scalar value \(b\). When implementing equations like this in PyTorch, it is not necessary to explicitly perform this copying, thanks to the broadcasting mechanism that is automatically activated in certain cases when combining tensors of initially incompatible sizes:
import torch
b = 10
X = torch.tensor([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
w = torch.tensor([-1,0,1])
yp = torch.matmul(X,w) + b
Einstein Notation#
Consider the case where we have a mini-batch of target words represented by their embeddings \(\mathbf{w}_1,\mathbf{w}_2,\ldots,\mathbf{w}_E\). For each of these target words, we have an associated contextual word in the set \(\mathbf{c}_1,\mathbf{c}_2,\ldots,\mathbf{c}_E\). For simplicity, we do not consider negative samples here, but the analysis is fully extensible to cases where they are included.
Let \(N\) be the size of the embeddings. We want to calculate the dot product of each \(\mathbf{w}_i\) with each \(\mathbf{c}_i\), a calculation that is fundamental in training and using skip-gram models. To compute these dot products using PyTorch and benefit from the efficiency of GPU-calculated matrix operations, we can pack the target word embeddings row-wise in a matrix \(A\) of size \(E \times N\) and the contextual word embeddings column-wise in a matrix \(B\) of size \(N \times E\). If we compute the product \(A \cdot B\), we get a matrix of size \(E \times E\) where each element \(i,j\) is the dot product of \(\mathbf{w}_i\) with \(\mathbf{c}_j\).
However, we are only interested in a subset of these dot products: those that lie on the diagonal of the result, which are of the form \(\mathbf{w}_i \cdot \mathbf{c}_i\). Matrix multiplication is inefficient in this case for our purposes, but if we consult the PyTorch documentation, we will not initially find an operation that exactly matches our needs.
There is, however, an efficient and compact way in PyTorch to define matrix operations using Einstein notation. You can learn more by reading up to section 2.8 of the tutorial "Einsum is all you need". Specifically, we are interested in obtaining a vector \(\mathbf{d}\) such that:
Using Einstein notation with PyTorch's einsum
function, we can write the above matrix operation and obtain the one-dimensional tensor we want as follows:
Unsqueezing Tensors#
A frequent operation in PyTorch is the unsqueezing1 of a tensor using the unsqueeze
operation. This operation adds a dimension of size 1 at the specified position. For example, if we have a tensor with shape (2,3,4)
and apply unsqueeze(1)
, the result will be a tensor with shape (2,1,3,4)
. If we apply unsqueeze(0)
, the result will have shape (1,2,3,4)
. If we apply unsqueeze(-1)
, the result will have shape (2,3,4,1)
. One common use of unsqueeze
is converting a single value into a minibatch. For example, if we have a lexical category classification model (assigning a part-of-speech such as verb, noun, adjective, etc. to each word) that receives a minibatch of word embeddings and returns a vector for each input word giving the probability of that word corresponding to each lexical category, we can use unsqueeze(0)
to turn a single word embedding into a minibatch with one element. Assuming there are 10 categories, running the model will yield a tensor with shape (1,10)
, which we can convert to a tensor with shape (10)
using squeeze(0)
. The squeeze
operation complements unsqueeze
: by default, it removes all dimensions of size 1, but it allows specifying the position of the dimension to remove.
Adding a dimension of size 1 as done by unsqueeze
does not affect the number of elements in the tensor but does change its shape. The underlying data block in memory remains unchanged. The following example demonstrates the results of unsqueezing operations at various positions:
import torch
a = torch.tensor([[1,2],[3,4]]) # [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 2x2
a.unsqueeze(0) # [[[1, 2], [3, 4]]] 1x2x2
a.unsqueeze(1) # [[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]]] 2x1x2
a.unsqueeze(2) # [[[1], [2]], [[3], [4]]] 2x2x1
a.unsqueeze(3) # exception: dimension out of range
As is common in PyTorch, dimensions can be negative, allowing you to specify their position by counting from the end. In the example above, a.unsqueeze(-1)
is equivalent to a.unsqueeze(3)
. In terms of the view
function, t.unsqueeze(i)
is equivalent to view(*t.shape[:i], 1, *t.shape[i:])
Viewing an \(n\)-dimensional tensor as a list of \((n-1)\)-dimensional tensors often simplifies understanding tensor representations in PyTorch. For example, it is likely easier to visualize a 5-dimensional tensor as a list of 4-dimensional tensors (and so on) than as a matrix of cubes.
Row and Column Vectors#
The squeeze
operation also helps clarify the difference between the representation of vectors, row vectors, and column vectors in PyTorch. To begin, consider these two tensors:
The tensor a
corresponds to a 2x2 matrix, and b
to a 2-element vector. The operation,b)
raises an error because the sizes are incompatible; this operation does not perform broadcasting and only works on two matrices. We can transform b
into a column vector [[2],[3]]
of size 2x1 using unsqueeze
, so that,b.unsqueeze(1))
works correctly. Similarly, we can transform b
into a row vector [[2,3]]
of size 1x2 using unsqueeze
, so that,a)
works correctly. Note that the results of these two products are evidently different (the resulting tensors, in fact, have different shapes). We can now use squeeze
on the result to obtain a 2-element vector.
The torch.matmul
operation not only supports broadcasting, but it is also designed to operate with both bidimensional and unidimensional tensors. The result, in this case, is a unidimensional tensor. Therefore, the following two assertions do not fail:
assert torch.equal(,a).squeeze(), torch.matmul(b,a))
assert torch.equal(,b.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(), torch.matmul(a,b))
Tensor Memory Representation#
To simplify, let us consider a 4x3 matrix initialized as follows:
In memory, the elements of a tensor like the one above are stored in consecutive positions in a row-major order, so the elements are arranged as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. The storage order of a tensor's elements is characterized by a concept called stride, which can be queried using the stride
The tuple (3,1)
indicates that to move along the first dimension (rows) to the next element, 3 memory positions must be skipped, and to move along the second dimension (columns) to the next element, 1 memory position must be skipped.
Some PyTorch operations (e.g., transpose or the view
function) modify the strides of tensors without rearranging the elements in memory, making the operation very efficient as it avoids creating new values in memory or reorganizing existing ones:
You may verify that the strides (1, 3)
are correct if the data in memory has not been modified. Many PyTorch operations are implemented to iterate over the data from the last dimension to the first (e.g., first through columns and then through rows), assuming this means starting with the smallest strides (columns, in this case) and moving to dimensions with larger strides. This way, when the algorithm accesses the next data point, it is often a neighbor of the current one and likely already in cache. If the elements were arranged differently in memory, the algorithm would need to jump more positions in memory to access the data, making it slower or potentially non-functional. Therefore, some operations (e.g., t.view(-1)
) raise an exception, and we must explicitly reorder the tensor's data in memory before using such operations:
print(a.is_contiguous()) # True
print(t.is_contiguous()) # False
print(a.data_ptr()==t.data_ptr()) # True
t = t.contiguous()
print(t.stride()) # (4, 1)
print(a.data_ptr()==t.data_ptr()) # False
The contiguous
operation returns the input tensor (self
) if it is already contiguous, or a copy with reorganized data otherwise. For contiguous tensors of any shape, the stride is always greater in one dimension than in the next:
Ways to Use Matplotlib#
There are two different ways to interact with the Matplotlib library. You will likely encounter both styles in code you find online, so it is important to know them. The first way (implicit) is the simplest and involves importing the library and calling its functions directly. The second way is more comprehensive and involves creating a Figure
object and calling its methods using the returned objects to interact with the library. In both cases, you are working internally with a figure and one or more associated axes (do not confuse the axes with the axis of a plot). However, in the first case, a global state is maintained, so it is not necessary to explicitly use the different objects; simply calling the functions directly is sufficient.
Here is an example of code using the implicit style:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 400)
y = np.sin(x ** 2)
plt.suptitle('Sinusoidal function')
plt.plot(x, y)
And here is an example using the explicit style:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 400)
y = np.sin(x ** 2)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Sinusoidal function')
ax.plot(x, y)
The English terms squeeze and unsqueeze denote the shape alteration that occurs when opening or closing instruments (called squeezeboxes) like an accordion or concertina. ↩