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(original line-up and changes between
Soloist Musician (singer) + Evarist Ballús (drums), Tony Ponce (guitar)
(by Antonio García de Diego, from Los Canarios), Miguel Ángel Rojas
(bass), Jose María Roger (piano), Mariano Díaz (keys) (by Thijs van
Leer - from Focus) + the band Guadalquivir + many others along his carreer.

Memorias de un Ser Humano

La Huerta Atómica

Tiene más de 40 singles, pero de su faceta más rock clásico.
He got more than 40 singles but from the more standard rock side
Web page:
Opinions and other informations:
Miguel Ríos is one of the most veteran and respected rockers
in Spain. His trajectory is plenty of changes as a function of the
fashion changes. This way, in the middle 70's he released two albums
in the vein of the flamenco-progressive movement in which he felt
comfortable due to his andalusian origin. Those were: "La Huerta
Atómica", with important contributions of spanish progressive
musicians, and "Al-andalus", with the spanish band
Guadalquivir as
accompanying band, that made the spanish tour of 1978 with him.
The rest of his carreer is vast (much more than the items displayed
here) but far from progressive rock before and afterwards.
In his most comercial years, in the 80's his band included the Keyboardist
Thijs van Leer from Focus. (Jose Manuel Iņesta)
Review of the record "Memorias de un Ser Humano" (in spanish)
Review of the record "La Huerta Atómica" (in spanish)
Review of the record "Al-Andalus" (in spanish)