He was born in Bilbao. He studied piano and music with private teachers.
At 17 formed the band "Fase", a historical prog band from Bilbao in
which he sung, played keyboards and wrote all the songs. Then formed
Psicodelia, as a sequel of Fase. By that time was a pioneer in Spain
using keyboards like the MINIMOOG and the MELLOTRON.
He arrived to Madrid in early 80s and integrated in the band ETC as
keyboardist, being the rest of the band Kike Ballesteros (from
Ñu) on drums, Javier Esteve on guitar and
Valentin "El chino" (from Banzai) singing. During the so-called
"Movida Madrileña" he decided to form his own band: Panico en el Telefono (con Javier Escudero -guitar-, Miguel Ruiz -bass- and Pepe
Cuervo -drums-). The Spanish TV made a monographic and a LP was
recorded named "Linea directa". (1.988) where he was the author of all
the tracks and was also in vocals, piano, keyboards and backing vocals.
One track from it, "La bestia del andén", it was included in the LP entitled
"Hecho en Vallecas".
More recently he has composed a concert for piano and orchuestra
entitled: "Concierto Nº1 para piano y orquesta de Juan Carlos
Camarasa". He has recorded the CD "Cuentos Cortos" in which he
sings and plays all the instruments. Also he has collaborated with a
number of groups, he composes music for cinema and advertisements
and has his own music studio. (Juan Carlos Camarasa)