He was the keyboardist of Los Canarios,
which suffices to have credit in any progressive ambience. Since many
years he is the President of the Spanish Authors Society and, apart to
politics,he works on film soundtracks, TV documentals, etc.
After Los Canarios, Teddy began to make alectronic music and played
alone, a la Klaus Schulze. He moved to Madrid, made also a pop record
with Pepe Robles (ex-Módulos) and forgot
to make music as he became president of the Spanish Authors Society
(SGAE)(Juan Mellado)
After Los Canarios, Bautista was the producer of a number of records, the great "Leño" among them. In that record of the band with the same
name (hard rock) he composed and played with the band a theme of
pure symphonic rock named "La Nana". Those who have heard that
records know that I say truth. (José Manuel Iñesta)