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(original line-up and changes between
Yula López (vocals and keys) (by Loli Ortiz, vocals and violin), Oscar Busons
(guitar), Daniel Farrús (bass), Oscar Blanco (keys) (by Albert Fabregat; ex-El
Hombre del Saco) and Daniel Busons (drums and vocals).

Dreamside Stroll
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Opinions and other informations:
Arcane were a band from Barcelona, joined in the late 1994. They
recorded in 1995 a demo named "Dreamside Stroll", 20 minutes long. Is
symphonic rock with a touch of New Age. Moreover, 4 themes of that
demo can be heard in the CD "Masferrer Road", a compilación of
some bands from different musical styles. In the late 1995 Yula left the
band. A new female voice joined: Loli Ortiz, who incorporates the sound
of violin into Arcane's music. When in 1996 they were about to enter in
the studio to record their first CD, Oscar Blanco left the band. Albert
Fabregat, from El Hombre del Saco, joined
but the recording didn't work. (Carles Falp)