The icon "NEW" denotes new or updated entries in the table.
El icono "ESP" marca bandas españolas o páginas en español.
The icon " * " marks official pages, when more than one is provided for a band.
Updated in May-02th-2001.
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G Galaad Galadriel ESP Galahad Galleon Garden Wall Genesis *
Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis
Genesis ESP Genesis ESP Genfuoco Gentle Giant Gerard Germinale
Glass Hammer * Goblin Gong Gong Gong Gong
Gong Gongzilla NEW Gormenghast Grandiloquence Graphic Nature Greenwall
Grey Eye Glances Grey Lady Down Greyhaven Grits Grobschnitt Grobschnitt
Group Therapy Gryphon Guardian Guru Guru

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