The icon "NEW" denotes new or updated entries in the table.
El icono "ESP" marca bandas españolas o páginas en español.
The icon " * " marks official pages, when more than one is provided for a band.
Updated in Jan-15th-2007.
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don't hesitate to tell me!

Band WWW Home Pages

D Dark Aether Project DarXtar Deep Purple Delusion Destiny Destiny Dreaming
Deux Ex Machina Deep Thought Deisouss ESP Delta Red ESP Devil Doll Devil Doll
Devil Doll Devil Doll DFA Dharma Different Light Difícil Equilibrio ESP
Digital Ruin Discipline Discord Aggregate Discus Divae Dividing Horizons
Dixie Dregs Dixie Dregs Dixie Dregs Dixie Dregs Djam Karet Djamra
Doracor Dr. Folamour Dr. Nerve * Dr. Nerve Dracma ESP Dracma ESP
NEW Drama ESP Dream Theater * Dream Theater Dream Theater Dream Theater Dream Theater
Dream Theater Dream Theater Dream Theater ESP Dreamscape Dreamsites Drifting Sun

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