The icon "NEW" denotes new or updated entries in the table.
El icono "ESP" marca bandas españolas o páginas en español.
The icon " * " marks official pages, when more than one is provided for a band.
Updated in Aug-25th-2005.
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C Cabezas de Cera ESP Cairo Cafeine California Guitar Trio Calliope Camel *
Camel Camel Camel Camel Camel Campo di Marte
Cappuccino Beatniks Caravan Caravan Cardiacs Carpe Diem ESP Cartoon
Casino Cast ESP Castanarc Cathedral Ceolotory Cerafim
Chainsaw Jazz Chameleon Chaneton ESP Chroma Key Citizen Cain Clannad
Clepsydra * Clepsydra Cliffhanger * Cliffhanger Cliffhanger Clockwork
Cluster Cobweb Strange Collage * Collage Colosseum Colosseum
Conception Contraluz * ESP Cooperativa de Latte Craft Court Crack the Sky
Credo Cressida Crimson Sky Crucible Cruz de Hierro * ESP Cruz de Hierro ESP
Curious Works Curlew Curly Curve Curved Air Curved Air * NEW Cygnus ESP

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