The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

Herba d'Hamelí
"Girafes a Sibèria"
Released: 2011
Label: self-released

Girafes a Siberia

Track list:

  1. Miradors (de no veure res) (14:38)
  2. Avui Pollastre (7:39)
  3. Oficis per una Llebre (13:11)
  4. Girasol (2:06)
  5. Malastruc (Girafes a Sibèria) (12:06)


  • Carles Pinós: keyboards and vocals
  • Dani Fabré: bass and vocals
  • Guillem Roma: drums and noises
  • Valentí Pinós: electric guitar
  • Ricard Rius: vocals and acoustic guitar
  • Josep Tardío: flute

Es sin duda nuestro trabajo más elaborado hasta la fecha y nos sentimos orgullosos, así que nos gustaría compartirlo con todos vosotros y sentir vuestro apoyo en algo en lo que hemos estado trabajando duro.

(Escrito por la propia banda)

It is with no doubt our most elaborated work to date and we're proud of it, so we would like to share it with all of you and feel your support to something we've been working hard on.

(Written by the band themselves)

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