The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

"Underground Community"
Released: 2009
Label: Red Phone Records (U.K.)

Underground Community

Track list:

  1. Autumn Leaves (3:44)
  2. Beyond The Desert (3:38)
  3. No Return (5:37)
  4. The Story of Tim Ballas (4:51)
  5. Mara (4:51)
  6. Underground Community (1:37)
  7. Change Life (4:22)
  8. Post Disaster (4:23)
  9. The Horizon (5:20)
  10. Waiting to Happen (6:18)
  11. She Tries (4:41)
  12. Night Comes Down (2:51)


  • Monique van der Kolk : vocals
  • Jordi Amela : keyboards
  • Jordi Prats : guitar
  • Roger Vilageliu : bass
  • Alex Ojea : drums

Algunos de los temas de este disco nos traen reminiscencias de otras bandas como The Cranberries o The Alan Parsons Project por la voz femenina, aun cuando Harvest busca definir su propio estilo. El álbum respira grandes arreglos, principalmente en las guitarras, finamente trabajadas por Jordi Prats, gran responsable del respaldo sonoro que Van der Kolk necesita. Destacable, también, el clima que Jordi Amela aporta, como así también la base madura conformada por Roger Vilageliu y Alex Ojea.

(Escrito por Eduardo Norris)

Some of the songs remind me of other bands like The Cranberries o The Alan Parsons Project, due to the female vocals, but Harvest try to define their own style. The album is plenty of great arrangements, mainly on guitars by Jordi Prats, the main responsible of the sound support that Van der Kolk needs. It is remarkable the atmosphere provided by Jordi Amela's keyboards, and also the rhythm base by Roger Vilageliu and Alex Ojea.

(Written by Eduardo Norris)

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