The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

Max Corbacho
"The Resonant Memory of Earth"
Released: 2002
Label: ad21music (Spain)

The Resonant Memory of Earth

Track list:

  1. Remote Sensing
  2. Lands of Sacred Silence
  3. Magenta Beauty
  4. The Resonant Memory of Earth


  • Max Corbacho: solo keyboardist

"The resonant Memory of Earth" es un lento paisaje de atmósferas orgánicas, ondulantes y misteriosas. Max Corbacho completa algunos caminos comenzados con Vestiges, pero de forma absolutamnete atmosférica. A lo largo de los cuatro temas que componen el álbum, Corbacho ofrece al oyente un nuevo estado de la percepción acústica, induciendo un estado de semisomnolencia, incrementado por el bajo tempo, el movimiento sinuoso de las misteriosas corrientes sonoras y la sutil arquitectura sonora, siempre mutante y regeneradora.

(Escrito por Max Corbacho)

"The resonant Memory of Earth", is a slow landscape of organic, waving, and mysterious atmospheres. Max Corbacho completes some ways begun in Vestiges, but of an absolutely atmospheric form. Across all four tracks that compose the album, Corbacho brings the listener to a new state of acoustic perception, inducing a state of semi drowsiness, increased by the down tempo, the sinuous movement of the mysterious sonorous currents and the subtle, fine harmonic architecture, ever mutating and regenerating. Soft coiling and morphing textures, heavy atmospheric textural music for a deep drift into the dimensions of space, time and place.

(Written by Max Corbacho)


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