Title: | EuroHPC AI in DAPHNE and Text Summarization |
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Presenter: | Dr. Aleš Zamuda | |
Venue: | Sala Ada Lovelace | |
Date&time: | 12:00 15/09/2023 | |
Estimated duration: | 1:30 horas | |
More information: | https://www.aleszamuda.si/w/ | |
Contact person: | Lloret Pastor, Elena (elloretdlsi.ua.es) | |
Abstract: | DAPHNE (Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines for Large-Scale Data Management, HPC, and Machine Learning) project will be presented, followed by selected recent developments and opportunities with DAPHNE in EuroHPC deployments like Vega supercomputer and AI. HPC and AI will be presented and discussed for potential collaboration, including the container reuse for NLP, in particular Text Summarization. |
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