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Presenter: | Dr. Mirela Alhasani (Dubali) | |
Venue: | Salón actos EPS IV | |
Date&time: | 12:00 30/11/2022 | |
Estimated duration: | 1:30 horas | |
More information: | https://eis.epoka.edu.al/cv/fullcv/66 | |
Contact person: | Lloret Pastor, Elena (elloretdlsi.ua.es) | |
Abstract: | -Summary: English for Academic Reading and Writing is a mandatory course taken by the three faculties at EPOKA university in Tirana, Albania. Its aim is to equip students with the independent, analytical, and evaluative skills to read sophisticated scientific literature in the genre, and to construct their own scientific output be it a research paper or master/doctoral thesis. This EAP course is built upon an assessment analysis of students’ needs per each domain of study. This presentation will shed light on such needs as manifested by two original types of research conducted with undergraduate students of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering published in Scopus/ Web of Science Journal (https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP2101109A) and with the graduate students of economics, business and political science programs at EPOKA University taught by the author Dr. Mirela Alhasani during Covid-19 pandemic published in Routledge (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003283409-13/measuring-graduate-students-perceptions-academic-english-reading-writing-course-turbulent-times-case-study-albania-mirela-alhasani-dubali). I will comment on the results of these two research works, where it is evidenced that it turns an evitable co-joint collaboration between philologists and language instructors and computer engineering/science scholars to come out with student-friendly language programs where the two sides can benefit; the engineering students can and need to improve their linguistic eloquence and overall communication; meanwhile, the social science track needs to be more exposed and trained in language technology programs to properly use it to accomplish written records. - Brief bio: Dr. Mirela Alhasani (Dubali) obtained her Ph.D. degree from the University of Sofia ‘St.Kliment Ohridski’ in Classic and Modern Philology in 2019. Her research interests encompass tailored English language programs triggered by the political, economic/business, socio-cultural, and computational dynamics of the European Union polity and the national Albanian context. Dr. Mirela Ahasani Dubali has been lecturing for 18 years at several institutions such as Tirana State University, Durres University in Albania, Visiting Lecturer at the University of Sofia (Balkan Studies program), and currently, she is a lecturer of English for Academic/Specific Purposes at the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at EPOKA University, in Tirana Albania. |
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