Programming 3
University of Alicante, 2024–2025
Second session (09/18):
Note on Oracles: Two Oracles will be active this week: Oráculo Práctica 0 and Oráculo Práctica 1. The first only checks the Coordinate class, while the second checks both classes from assignment 1, so you will have to implement both before trying it.
- In this session you will learn about Eclipse and JUnit:
- Before the session, at home, you must
- Have read the practice session rules
- At the lab (or before, at home):
- Read the Eclipse and JUnit workshop. Do the tasks from the workshop.
- Assignment ‘zero’ control (no grading): Implement class Coordinate from assignment 1 (without documenting it) in the base Eclipse project, and submit it to the DLSI submission server.