Programming 3

University of Alicante, 2024–2025

14th and 15th sessions –CONTROL–

  1. CONTROL for assignments 5 and 6

    • Read the rules about controls in the practice session rules before coming to the lab.
    • You must not enter the laboratory until the teacher tells you to do so.
    • The teacher will call the list at the entrance of the laboratory and will tell you in which position you should sit.
    • You should not turn on the PC until all your classmates have entered the lab, and the teacher tells you to do so.
  2. At the beginning of the control,

    • Go to the assignment page. Download the Eclipse base project.
    • Here is the link to the Java documentation, in case you need it.
    • Start Eclipse for Java and import the base project (File -> Import… -> General -> Existing projects into workspace).
    • The unit tests are already included in the base project.
  1. Do the tasks from the assignment. We advise you to do it in the order in which they appear in the assignment, and run the corresponding tests as you progress.
  2. Before the end of the control (at the latest, 10 minutes before the end of the session) submit your work to the DLSI submission server, following the instructions in the assignment page.