libxtract VAMP plugin --------------------- 32 bit linux package of the libxtract vamp plugins in .deb format: Compiling last version of libxtract vamp plugin from source code: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Download * LibXtract 0.6.0 library source code > svn checkout svn:// libxtract-code NOTE: Don't use the version of LibXtract on GitHub ( The VAMP plugin won't compile against it. * libxtract vamp plugin source code: * VAMP SDK: Precompiled VAMP libraries for linux 32 bit (you may try to use this instead of compiling de VAMP SDK): Other packages: --- You need 'autotools' from your distro repositories: automake >= 1.11 autoconf >= 2.68 libtool >= 2.4 Also you need the following packages from your repositories installed in your linux distro: 'libsndfile', 'libsndfile-dev', 'libfftw3-3', 'libfftw3-dev', and 'subversion' (svn) IF you don't have a libfftw3 package, you must compile it from * FFTW3 (The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West 3.3.4) Uncompress all packages at the same location, you will get more or less the following folders - vamp-plugin-sdk-2.5 folder. - vamp-libxtract-plugins- - libxtract-code - fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz (if compiling from source code) > cd fftw-3.3.4 > ./configure --enable-float > make > sudo make install > cd libxtract-code > ./ > ./configure --enable-fft --enable-simpletest > make > sudo make install > cd vamp-plugin-sdk-2.5 > ./configure > make > sudo make install > cd vamp-libxtract-plugins- > make To verify whether the plugin library file is 32-bit: > objdump -f >vamp-libxtract-plugins- file format > elf32-i386 >architecture: i386, flags 0x00000150: Now copy the plugin files generated at vamp-libxtract-plugins-, vamp-libxtract.n3, and to your VAMP system (or personal) plugin folder. Restart Sonic Visualizer. The libxtract plugin features should show up in the Transform menu. Go to Transform -> Find a Transform... and type 'slope'. The 'Spectral Slope' feature from the libxtract plugin should be available. That's it!! Let me know about any issues at