Teaching Translation Technologies and Tools (T4)

A workshop at MT Summit IX

Presentation Rationale and Topics Register Resources Programme Workshop proceedings


The third workshop in the Teaching Machine Translation series

In view of the success of the preceding workshops on machine translation teaching organized by the proposers, the first one held at the MT Summit VIII in Santiago de Compostela in September 2001 (http://www.dlsi.ua.es/tmt/) and the 6th EAMT Workshop "Teaching Machine Translation" held in Manchester in November 2002 (http://www.ccl.umist.ac.uk/events/eamt-bcs/), we propose this third workshop with an expanded scope which will not only address machine translation but also computer-aided translation technologies and tools.


The workshop will provide an opportunity for machine translation and computer-aided translation instructors attending MT Summit IX to exchange their experience by presenting papers or demonstrations describing the tools and techniques they use in the classroom or in the laboratory.



This site is maintained by Mikel L. Forcada (mlf@dlsi.ua.es).

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